The Supermarket Bank® – A Proven In-Store Retail Branch Solution

Banks in grocery stores? Placing a financial center in a supermarket was pioneered in 1984 by Financial Supermarkets, Inc. and has helped numerous banks and credit unions across the U.S. experience significant growth and client loyalty. Branching via retail financial centers is a quick and cost-effective means of gaining market share, preventing competition from gaining a foothold, and meeting goals for growth and expansion. This is the beauty of The Supermarket Bank®.
What is The Supermarket Bank®?
The Supermarket Bank® is a custom-designed retail branch program placed in a grocery store or supermarket and built specifically for the retail environment. Our full-service financial centers average approximately 550 to 700 square feet of innovative and multi-functional space. Yet, we have experience in designs ranging from 100 to over 2,500 square feet. Specifically, our understanding of how the digital transformation plays out in creating unique branch experiences for your customers/members is our specialty. In other words, no other construction company can come close!
Across the country, investors continue to develop retail shopping centers to offer more services in growing areas. Placing a branch in a location of high retail traffic not only becomes a convenience for your existing customers/members but grants you brand recognition and access to your competitors’ customers/members. Undeniably, a solid solution for branch expansion.
FSI’s Retail Partnerships
FSI works with retailers across the US to secure space for minimal cost and maximum impact. Partnering with a retailer on your next retail branch expansion project provides you access to thousands of shoppers weekly and an additional layer of security for your front-line employees. Here are just a few of the retailers who choose FSI as their preferred retail banking tenant provider:

What Do I Need to Know About In-Store Branch Expansion?
- The average installation of an FSI in-store branch is between 550 sq. ft. and 700 sq. ft.
- The average installation of a FSI micro-branch begins at 100 sq. ft. and ranges to 500 sq. ft.
- A 45,000 sq. ft. retail store need only dedicate 1/100th of its floor space near an entrance. Alongside perhaps, a vision center, hair salon, restaurant, or pharmacy therefore ensuring a one-stop shopping experience.
- In-store branch staff will interact with as many as 10,000 to 30,000 potential customers per week shopping your financial center’s 30,000 to 100,000 square foot “lobby.”
- A complete turnkey branch installation includes:
- Site selection
- Demographic research and performance planning
- Design, architecture, and permitting
- Branch build and installation
- Furniture package
- Equipment & security system
- Typical in-store branches can be installed for 1/5th the cost of a traditional brick-and-mortar branch build.
- A new, state-of-the-art in-store financial center can be in full operation within 75 days after signing.
- FSI’s Client Support Team cross-trains branch staff to effectively deliver a full range of financial services, products, and solutions via the Universal Teller Model to meet the ever growing and changing needs of your customers/members.
- FSI’s turnkey package is supported by ongoing consulting services that can be called upon when needed. Thus, ensuring the success of your in-store branch location.