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Leaders Need to Recharge

Leaders Need to Recharge

Leadership is both rewarding and exhausting at times. Supervising a team of individuals, delivering stellar service to customers and members, planning for the future, and keeping yourself in touch with the trends and developments impacting your business can be challenging. Even the greatest leaders need to take time for themselves periodically. Leaders need to recharge to be effective.

Leaders Need to Recharge

Here are four steps to recharge your leadership powers:

Plan timely breaks. You know your limits. Schedule time for yourself to reset and breathe. Whether is it time off, a quiet afternoon of planning, or a lunch with a good friend. Be purposeful in your ‘me’ time and plan it.

Leave work at the office. Avoid the temptation to take work home. Those incomplete reports or proposals can be seen with fresh eyes once you are rested. Be disciplined to create boundaries for yourself between your personal life and your work life.

Unplug once in awhile. We are an addicted society with regards to technology. There is nothing wrong with unplugging for a evening or weekend. Communicate with your team and develop a plan when you need to unplug. It will be great for your psyche.

Quit packing your calendar. Meetings that are scheduled back to back can take a toll. Build in some quiet time to breathe, think, plan, and dream. Your next meeting will go much smoother and will position yourself for greater success and impact.

In conclusion, leaders need to recharge every once and awhile. Proactively taking time to recharge and reset will hope you become a more impactful and successful leader to your team(s). Contact us for more insight on Leadership Development.


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