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The Leadership Skill of Questioning

Blog - The Leadership Skill of Questioning

How many people are in space right now?

Now that’s a question you have probably never asked yourself or someone else. Would you believe there is a website and an app which provides the quantity of people in space, their names, and their country of origin? I find it fascinating. See for yourself: This is an example of the leadership skill of questioning.

As a leader, we need to utilize and strenghten our leadership skill of questioning.

What is the Leadership Skill of Questioning?

As a leader, questions are a great tool for learning and innovating. A well-placed question can shed light on opportunities to improve:

  • service delivery
  • product offerings
  • professional development
  • program evaluation

Leaders who are looking to find the competitive edge and drive their team’s success should incorporate questions to their strategy. You never know where you will gain the next big idea or inspiration.

How to Get Started?

The easiest way to begin your journey of questioning is to ask, ‘Why?’ Then, sit back and explore the opportunities that ensue.

Looking for additional tips to improve your leadership ability or inspire your team on a daily basis, contact us to learn about our ongoing Consulting & Training Program for Financial Institutions.


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